HomeHandbook Of Psychic Powers
Handbook Of Psychic Powers
Handbook Of Psychic Powers

Handbook Of Psychic Powers

Product Description

“The mysterious universe opens up its door of secrets for noone but the truly curious.” - Yogi Ekalavya

The book is a product of years of research and contains priceless knowledge gained from personal experiences. The author has had direct experience of the intriguing Kundalini and the boons that accompany. The knowledge he gained is being passed on to those who have held their faith high even in the darkest of times.

There is an infinite spectrum of possibilities who believe in the power of the mind.The vast, boundless space that we all possess inside our being is certainly the most potent tool at our disposal. Take a step towards understanding its functioning and you will never be disappointed.

Anything you desire will be yours in this lifetime.This book will be your guide in your personal journey towards realization of higher truths.

Get ready for the most fulfilling adventure any man has ever known.

Sample Chapter : The Art Of Samyama

Samyama is a tool for the wise. A tool that opens the door to a whole new world of possibilities. Samyama is a collective word for the last 3 steps of Ashtanga Yoga ( Eight Limbed Yogic System). The initial five steps prepares your body for Samyama and are more physical while Samyama itself is a more subtle expression of consciousness. There is plenty of literature available on the web if you want to study the eight steps in detail. I would recommend getting yourself a good commentary on ‘Yogasutras of Patanjali’ which is a reference book and a compendium of knowledge for many. I would stick to the practical aspects as i find that lacking in many of the books that i have come across.

Samyama = Dharana -> Dhyana -> Samadhi

Let me explain the equation. Dharana means concentrated thought. If you can concentrate on an object for more than 10 seconds, you have a Dharana of that object. Steady flow of Dharana is Dhyana. If you’re able to maintain the attention to a longer span of time, characteristics of the object starts revealing itself in your mind’s canvas. You are now in Dhyana with that object. Stretch the period of contemplation (Dhyana) a bit longer and then instead of characteristics, the essence of the object is revealed. That state of mind is called Samadhi.

I will explain it with a simple example. You like football. You choose it as an object of Dharana or concentration. You start concentrating on it. Everyday you concentrate on football. It could be playing, watching or reading. You start contemplating about football. As your Dharana Shakti or Power of Concentration increases, contemplation comes naturally to you. One fine day, you understand the very essence of football. You don’t need any more references. You just know it because, it has become a part of you.

If you were able to grasp that concept, things will be easier for you as we progress. It’s an art that you must have in your repository. It is valuable and help you in every aspect of your life. If you were not able to understand, go through it again and try.


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